Welcome to the State Charitable Contributions Campaign!

The Annual Pledging Campaign is here again and you have a wonderful opportunity to make someone else’s life a little bit easier. You can make a pledge in the State Charitable Contributions Program (SCCP) through the on-line pledging site for State of Georgia State and University Employees: Give at the Office. It is an easy, paperless way to make a one-time or a payroll deduction pledge to a charity of your choice. We have environmental Charities, Animal Charities, and Human Health Service Charities. Something for everybody! The Give at the Office site is faster, it’s more efficient, and its miles more convenient.

Please notice the change to the login procedure. We have simplified it.

To Begin

Step 1: Begin the Pledge Process

Choose your pledge type. There are three options:

        • Payroll Deduction
        • Electronic Check – one time
        • Credit/Debit Card – one time

Each option has appropriate fill in fields which need to be completed.

Would you like to receive an acknowledgement of your gift? Is so then click the button and enter your street and e-mail addresses. If you want to remain anonymous then click the other button.

Step 2: Charity Selection and Allocation

Click on the plus sign next to the charity and the selection will expand. You can visit the charities website to learn more about them or you can click “Add” and in the right panel type in a dollar amount next to the charity and then return to the left side to chose another charity. You can also click the gray button at the bottom to distribute the remaining funds among the charities you have chosen.

When you are finished, click “Enter Pledge.”

Step 3: Print and/or E-mail Yourself a Pledge Receipt

You can click on the pledge and then either print or e-mail yourself a pledge receipt.

Thanks for your donation!


Contact Danielle Calloway, Chief Human Resources Officer  dcalloway@ega.edu or email sccp@spa.doas.gov.

Additional information on the State Charitable Contributions Program 


Download the following forms to get started: